What’s with the buffalo & sparrow?

HI! We are Cole Schlam and Rachel Stroud and together we founded an informed yoga business.

What’s in a name?....PURPOSE. A buffalo will instinctively face a storm and run toward it in order to get through it quicker and with less suffering. A cow, on the other hand, will instinctively run away from the storm and end up running in it, prolonging it’s suffering. “Be the buffalo”, as they say…..well this takes courage doesn’t it? It also takes community, guidance and protection. Here is where the sparrow representation becomes vital.
A sparrow offers protection, community, guidance, joy, hard work and triumph. The buffalo needs the sparrow in this representation of a trauma survivor in order to courageously and safely move through the storm. An unlikely pairing becomes destiny’s match and safer path to healing and transformation.
Welcome to Buffalo and Sparrow Yoga Collective!!! You are welcome, you belong and you are right where you are supposed to be.

What is Trauma-Sensitive Yoga?

Trauma and stress are held within the body, regardless of whether or not the trauma occurred to the body specifically. While talk therapy and medication have both proven to be beneficial, there seems to be a missing piece in the holistic healing and recovery process. This is where Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TSY) comes in and yoga as a whole, and where it has proven to further the release of held trauma.  Complete, permanent & holistic healing must be addressed at the core, in the body where the trauma is physically residing in order for thorough release to occur. TSY aims to provide a safer place for survivors to develop a renewed relationship with their body.

A typical TSY class will be very gentle in nature. It requires no prior knowledge or experience of yoga. It places emphasis on body awareness and breath. It encourages tailored choice throughout the practice, giving the student opportunity for empowerment and control. A student is always encouraged to make their own adjustments and modifications so they feel the optimal amount of safety.

Trauma-sensitive yoga is NOT counseling. It is an adjunct treatment to counseling/talk-therapy and/or medications. It’s purpose is to address trauma where it starts and/or where it is trapped within the body and to renew the survivor’s safety within their own body.

Through our own experiences with yoga, we have been able to experience relief in trauma symptoms. We have also found it a great way to re-engage with our own body, heart and mind in a careful way.

TSY is for everyone, it’s perhaps more valid to say “people-informed yoga”! Trauma is a part of life, but we do not have to live with symptoms from our trauma.

We aim to offer accessible and sustainable pricing. However, if financial circumstances are the reason you aren’t coming to yoga, please email us and we will work something out.